Healthcare for Expats in the Netherlands


As an expat you can be assured that you will receive high quality healthcare in the Netherlands. However, some things may be arranged in a different way than you are used to.


Did you know that..;


  • The ‘huisarts’ is your first contact for all medical questions and complaints. GP’s are medical specialists with a 9 year training in treating the most common complaints.


  • Some doctors will refuse registers because their practices are already full or if you live too far from the practice. Sometimes they will place you on a waiting list.


  • Almost all dental practices in the Netherlands are private with one dentist and one assistant. Oral surgeons are usually affiliated with a hospital, and orthodontists usually have a private practice.


  • If you have orthodontic gear on before arriving to the Netherlands, some research will be done to see which orthodontist can continue the care.


  • At the hospital, ‘accident and emergency’ or ‘ER’ is called ’SEH‘ (spoedeisende hulp).


  • Pharmacies in the Netherlands take your contact and insurance information and then consider you a long-term client (although it is possible to fill prescriptions elsewhere, if needed).


  • A midwife — an independent medical practitioner with a 4 year bachelor degree — will generally be your sole care provider during your pregnancy and delivery.


  • Mild mental health problems can be treated by a GP, often working together with a Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. Your GP sometimes can also offer you online counselling (e-health).


  • It is mandatory for everyone living in the Netherlands to purchase a basic level of health insurance (basisverzekering) from a Dutch insurance provider (zorgverzekeraar).


  • If you work at a company, it is worth checking whether there is a collective scheme that provides health insurance at a discount



You can find the following subchapters & information about “Healthcare for Expats” in Expat Survival Guide 2024:


  • Doctor / General Practitioner (GP)
  • Medical emergencies
  • Dentist
  • Orthodontics
  • Healthcare for children
  • Hospitals
  • Pharmacies
  • Maternity care
  • Maternity leave and parenting leave
  • Mental healthcare
  • Preventive healthcare
  • Travel services and vaccinations
  • Health insurance
  • What to do after arrival


At “I am not a Tourist”, we’re passionate about helping expats thrive. Whether you’re brand new to the Netherlands or you’ve been here for a while, we’re here to help you make the most of your expat experience.


ENJOY living, working and studying in the Netherlands!