Webinar: Filing your tax return – 25 February

It’is that time of year again when we need to start thinking about filing our tax returns. To make it easier, IN Amsterdam and tax return service provider Blue Umbrella are organising a free webinar.
Career workshop by IN Amsterdam & EURES

Join us for our upcoming multi-day career workshop for internationals. With plenty of practical tips and guidance on CVs, cover letters and interview prep, this workshop will equip participants with all there is to know about the Dutch job market, cultural and business standards and networking skills.
Language Event: Test your Dutch! – 27 February

Together with the experts of UvA Talen, IN Amsterdam will host a special interactive language event. Meet past and current students, teachers and get the chance to assess your Dutch language level.
Webinar: Planning Your Mortgage in 2025 – January 29th

Whether you’re buying your first home, refinancing, or simply staying informed, this webinar is your opportunity to understand the market and secure the best mortgage options for your needs.
Webinar: Mortgages, what to expect in 2025? – 20 November

Don’t miss this opportunity to get ahead of competition in the market and be very well prepared on what to expect in 2025. By understanding these changes and preparing ahead of time, expats can navigate the evolving mortgage landscape in the Netherlands with confidence.
Webinar: Dental and Healthcare in the Netherlands – 14 November

During this informative webinar, IN Amsterdam’s healthcare partners will share advice and expertise on dental and healthcare. There will also be plenty of opportunity to ask questions.
Seminar LIMES academy | 30%-regeling: 7 November

Op 7 november verwelkomen wij u graag bij onze LIMES academy in Valkenburg bij Leiden, waarin onze spreker Reinier Braakman u meeneemt in de materie van de 30%-regeling.
Webinar: Mastering VAT and Income Tax for Freelancers (ZZP) – 23 October

In this webinar, you’ll learn about the fundamentals of freelancing, including definitions and differences between terms freelancer/ZZP’er and a sole proprietorship. The session will cover the registration process with the Chamber of Commerce and VAT requirements.
Webinar: Starting a Business – 9 October

Thinking of starting a business in the Netherlands? Join this free online information session hosted by the Kamer van Koophandel (KvK, Chamber of Commerce), Business.gov.nl, and IN Amsterdam.
LIMES academy Arbeidsmigratie- en recht: 10 oktober 2024

Internationale bedrijvigheid, zakenreizen en grensoverschrijdende arbeid zijn niet meer weg te denken uit de dynamische HR-wereld. Internationale mobiliteit betekent ook dat u met regels en wetgeving van andere landen te maken krijgt. Unieke uitdagingen en vragen brengt dat met zich mee.